First Tournament of the Year

03. February 2011

I will be playing in couple of Adams Golf Tour Winter Series tournaments before the regular season kicks off. The weather co-operated most of January in Oklahoma so I was able to spend enough time preparing my game for first tournaments. An ice storm came through early this week in Lawton so everything is covered with snow right now. I was not able to get out and practice last three days but I believe that a little break before the tournament will benefit me since I did not take a day off in a while.

I am very excited to play in a tournament again; it feels like I have not played a competitive round in a while. I am leaving tomorrow morning to Houston so I can practice couple days before the tournament starts since the weather there is supposed to be lot better on the weekend compared to Lawton. I will post a blog after the tournaments are over about how I played.

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Jeden z najúspešnejších slovenských golfistov. 6-násobný majster Slovenska v golfe. Víťaz slovenského profesionálneho rebríčka v rokoch 2011-2015. Profesionál roka 2015. Prvý slovenský profesionál, ktorý vyhral profesionálny turnaj mimo územia Slovenska. Spoluzakladateľ a hlavný profesionál Best Swing Golf Academy.


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+421 905 335 501